Our Story


Rooted in love and appreciation, "Bouza Brownies” was created almost 20 years ago with one message in mind; Enjoy & Give Joy. Following in our mother’s footsteps, my siblings and I realized a great opportunity lay before us in the shape of a family-run social enterprise.
Our start-up’s aim is two fold: Bake the world's most delicious gourmet brownies for everyone to fall in love with, all the while recognizing there is a dire need for an increase in social activism within our own community. 
Bouza Brownies aims to create new avenues of bringing joy to all walks of life. Whether it’s buying brownies with proceeds going to a local fundraiser, sharing a bite-sized sample with a stranger on the metro, or hosting an event with a platter fit for a hungry crowd, our product’s message will last longer than the desire for another bite. 
I hope you enjoy eating them as much as we enjoy making them!
- The Bouza Family